2018 – A Year of Self Discovery


The Importance of Mindset


2018 has been a year of self discovery and learning, pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and doing things I never thought I would be able to do. It was the year my dream to support women on their wellbeing journey’s finally came true but only because I took the leap and went outside of my comfort zone. Putting yourself out into the world with something new is not an easy thing. A list of questions run through your head:

– What if I fail?
– What if people laugh at me or think I can’t do it?
– Where do I even begin?

There were times when I thought I couldn’t do it whether it be lack of confidence, finances or technical issues but I kept going taking one small step at a time and trying to enjoy the journey. I am a perfectionist at heart and went through the natural comparisons to other people in the industry that are years ahead of me wondering why I wasn’t there. I saw the quote “Don’t compare your beginning to someones else’s middle”  by Jon Acuff, which really helped me and let me use the comparisons as inspiration of what i could achieve. Mindset is critical in anything in life and i have learnt that more than ever this year.

It is not until you stop and reflect on the year you realise how many amazing things you have accomplished. The end of a calendar year naturally allows us to reflect and gives us the opportunity to think about what we want for 2019. I encourage you to take some time to think about what you have achieved, no matter how big or small.

My biggest learning is don’t be afraid to dream big, write down all the things you want to accomplish and think about what the first step is in accomplishing these and then just do it. Don’t worry about all the things you have to achieve in between as this can put you off, remember:


“Done is better than perfect”


Things i learnt this year:
  • Finding your purpose is important to your overall wellbeing
  • Podcasts and Audible have been a game changer, I can now utilise all my travelling time to fuel my learning and development
  • Never underestimate the importance of connection and spending time with friends and family
  • Making money doing something you love is possible and is okay, you don’t have to feel guilty
  • It always seems impossible until it is done (Nelson Mandela) so take the first step and keep going
  • Investing in a coach is one of the best investments you can make, even when you think you can’t afford it
  • Having friends or family around you that support you and cheer you on when times get tough is really important, find your fans and keep them close by.
  • Your mindset is so important and is the unlocker to your success

I am excited for what 2019 has ahead and will be doing my journal activities early in the new year to capture all my dreams and ideas for the year ahead. Blog post to follow but for now, i wish you all a wonderful new year.

Dream Big, anything is possible if you believe it!

Sarah x