How do I make more time for myself?


First question you have to ask yourself is how important is my own health and wellbeing?


Hopefully this will be at the top of your priority list, if it isn’t then ask yourself why? It is no secret that taking time out ourselves is so important for our own wellbeing but also so that we can support others around us and allow us to be the best mum, daughter, partner, friend etc. 

We have all heard the analogies you can’t pour from an empty cup, you need to put on your own oxygen mask before you can help others but somehow it just seems so hard to find the time and make it a priority. 

There are 24 hours in every day, that doesn’t change. It is how we manage that time and prioritise what is important to us that matters. 

Here are a few strategies you can implement to make time for yourself:

  • Plan your week. Schedule in time for yourself like you would a meeting or an appointment 
  • Speak to your partner and make sure you both have time in the week to do the things that you love/help you recharge/take some time out 
  • If you have young children, ask for help. Is there a friend or family member you can ask to support so you can do something for yourself each week?
  • Be realistic, we can often be really motivated when we decide to make change and try to do too much at once. Depending on where you are at, start with just 10 minutes a day or if that feels unrealistic 10 minutes a few times a week. Once you start to feel the benefits you will naturally want to start building in more time. 
  • Accountability is important when trying to make change, share your commitment with a friend or family member or download a Habit tracking app so you can record and easily see what you have achieved at the end of each week. 

What does making more time for myself look like?

This is so personal and depends on what you find relaxing or gives you the headspace to help recharge, here are a few things that I make time for each week:

  • Some form of movement, pilates, running, high energyclass or maybe just a walk with a good podcast
  • Hot bath with a good book
  • Meal or coffee with a friend or colleague
  • Meditation, this really helps set me up for the day or get to sleep after at the end of the day

Making time for ourselves is not selfish or self indulgent it is 100% necessary to be the best version of ourselves. Life is always going to be busy and there will be competing priorities but if you can carve out the time you will start to notice you feel less stressed and have more energy, making all the other things you need to do and fit in a little bit easier. 

Drop me an email or let me know in the comments below what strategies you have put in place to ensure you get time to your self each week.